
Conor McGregor apoya a la cantera del Celtic de Glasgow

14/08/2020 - Hace 4 años en Internacional

Conor McGregor apoya a la cantera del Celtic de Glasgow

Entretenimiento | 14/08/2020 - Hace 4 años
Conor McGregor apoya a la cantera del Celtic de Glasgow

El peleador de MMA Conor McGregor apoya con dinero y difusión a una academia llamada «Lourdes» afiliada a fuerzas básicas del club de futbol Celtic de Glasgow.

El irlandés se ha cansado de mostrarle al mundo el impacto positivo que su carrera ha tenido para la sociedad con una tremenda entrega en beneficencia y demás proyectos que han hecho del mundo un lugar mejor dentro de lo que ha podido.

Conor es uno de los peleadores más sobresalientes de la historia de los deportes de contacto debido a su capacidad para vender las peleas y promover que el deporte sea primero.

McGregor también representa un ejemplo muy positivo y es motivo de inspiración de miles de niños en las nuevas generaciones alrededor de todo el mundo debido a su historia de éxito y trabajo duro, así como disciplina y constancia.

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I recently renovated my old football clubhouse @lourdescelticfootballclub! This club, and clubhouse, is responsible for so many competent, well trained Irish internationals, it’s actually hard to count them all! A phenomenal junior Irish football club, with its grounds located right inside my old housing estate. We sourced fresh Astro for the indoor as well as the outdoor areas. A complete refurb job on the premise, along with an amazing memorial addition in honour of the two great men who founded this great club, John “Bower” Bradley and Eddie Roche! What this place has done for the community and it’s children since 1957 is unparalleled, and I am honoured to give back to where it all began for me! I’ve often told a story of the days I used to kick a ball against a wall and run off celebrating like I’d just scored in a big stadium, with thousands of fans cheering me on. This was right inside these halls! And just around the corner from my home. I’d waltz around seconds before the training began, bang in 40 goals, and waltz home full of enthusiasm. Full of dreams! I didn’t know it at the time but this was the early stages of my visualisation journey. Dreaming things into reality, backed up with committed, hard work! It is hard to stop someone with these two assets! Dream it. Work for it! Achieve it. It may have been a different sport for me in the end, but it all began right here! Booting something and running off celebrating. What a club! This is the beginning of the rebirth of Lourdes Celtic football club! I will be bringing my knowledge of preparation back to the club also. Lesson number 1 – If you are truly serious about this. Two sessions a week, with one match at the weekends, is not enough. Sit on that we’ll return to it later. Anyways what a buzz! Can’t wait to have my son Conor Jnr. and my daughter Croía in the yellow and green of Lourdes! Fortius quo Fidelius! ❤️ Strength through loyalty! ❤️ #McGregorSportsDevelopment

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El peleador de UFC se ha convertido en un ícono del deporte a nivel mundial teniendo los combates más caros de la historia de los eventos televisados.

McGregor no ha ocultado su amor por el futbol, incluso de pequeño el asistía a la academia que hoy apoya «Lourdes», así como asistiendo a partidos profesionales.

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